Which attributes is used to allow or deny outgoing and incoming traffic

Which attributes is used to allow or deny outgoing and incoming traffic

AS Path: The AS Path attribute is used to determine the path that the traffic takes through the Autonomous Systems (ASes). It can be used to allow or deny incoming traffic by specifying certain ASes that are allowed or denied access to a network.

Next Hop: The Next Hop attribute specifies the next router hop to reach the destination network. By manipulating the Next Hop attribute, incoming and outgoing traffic can be allowed or denied based on the desired routing path.

Local Preference: Local Preference is used to influence the outbound traffic from one AS to another. By assigning a higher local preference to certain routes, incoming traffic can be directed towards those routes, effectively allowing or denying traffic based on the desired preferences.

MED (Multi-Exit Discriminator): MED is used to influence the inbound traffic from one AS to another. By assigning lower or higher MED values to certain routes, incoming traffic can be directed towards or away from those routes, allowing or denying traffic based on the desired preferences.

Community: The Community attribute is used to group routes together for specific policies. By applying certain policies to communities, incoming and outgoing traffic can be allowed or denied based on the defined rules associated with those communities.

Weight: Weight is a Cisco-specific attribute that determines the preferred path for outgoing traffic within a single router. By assigning higher weights to certain routes, outgoing traffic can be directed towards those routes, effectively allowing or denying traffic based on the desired preferences.

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