In Production Network how to understand the impact of a device. (Switch, Router MFG or Non-Manufacturing).
Which command will help us?
@atulsharma sir please help to understand.
In Production Network how to understand the impact of a device. (Switch, Router MFG or Non-Manufacturing).
Which command will help us?
@atulsharma sir please help to understand.
What Impact ? Elaborate your question with a given scenario.
@atulsharma Sir like in Manufacturing site most devices connected in Manufacturing area and some devices configure may be different area. But if we are getting alert in monitoring to verify the impact always, we ask to the site support people or next level L2/L3 network team.
Just want to know the are they known about the location and design so they can easily answer the impact of device of the alert.
Or are they fetch details from device to determine the impact.
I am checking with below commands-
show snmp contact
show vlan brief
sh cdp neighbors
By which I am trying to determine with vlan brief command. But again want to know is there anything to check to know the impact of device if device is down or for module down/reload.
Please help me to understand.